[157] Gallinula chloropus, Moorhen


[157] Gallinula chloropus, Moorhen


Gallinula chloropus, the (Common) Moorhen, is a black, duck-like bird, similar in some ways to its close relative the Coot.

It is also known as a Waterhen or Swamp Chicken. All the species of Gallinula, and a few very close relatives, are called Moorhens or Marsh Hens


Kingdom – Animals

Phylum – Chordates

Class – Aves (Birds)

Order – Gruiformes (Cranes and Rails)

Suborder – Ralli (Rails and a few others)

Family – Rallidae (Rails, Crakes, Moorhens and Gallinules)

Genus – Gallinula

Scientific Name – Gallinula chloropus

It was originally called Fulica chloropus, which shows its closeness to the Coot.


Moorhen is an Old English name for the bird, from the older meaning of moor as marsh.

Gallinula is a diminutive of the Latin gallina, a hen (domesticated fowl). Chloropus, from Latinized Greek roots, means yellow-green feet.


Gallinula chloropus is a very common and widespread bird often found on or near lakes even in urban areas. It is so similar to its relative [152] Fulica atra, the Coot, that it makes sense to describe it in comparison. They are often seen together and at first glance look similar. Both come from the family Rallidae and are more or less all black. The Moorhen is noticeably smaller and not so spherical as its cousin.

The most obvious difference is the red bill which differs from the white bill of the Coot but there are several other differences. The tip of the bill is yellow. The body is actually a dark blue colour, and the back is a dark grey-brown, separated by the rest of the body by a thin white stripe (not always visible.)

The feet have long yellow toes without the lobes of the Coot.

Very young chicks are black with the red and blue bills developing but not so garishly colourful as a Coot. Their long toes are black.

As they grow larger young Moorhens become similar to young Coots and the best way to distinguish between them is to look for their parents nearby! When you can see them, the yellow feet are starting to show.


The genus Gallinula is somewhat fluid at the moment with some species possibly being moved in and out and others possibly extinct. There is one other very similar species found in Australia and some other locations.

Gallinula Chloropus has a few geographic subspecies. Gallinula Chloropus Chloropus is by far the most widespread and is found over much of Europe, Northern Africa, India and Southeast Asia, where it is resident.

It likes wetland habitats.

Other Notes

As for many birds, there are occasional variations and for Moorhens they include some leucistic or partly leucistic birds. This one was seen at Slimbridge.

The Moorhen is slightly different to the Coot in its distribution. I see them in the countryside occasionally where there is no obvious water nearby.

See also

[293] The Water Rail is a close relative but is much different in its behaviour to Coots and Moorhens.