[290] Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Large Red Damselfly

[290] Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Large Red Damselfy


Pyrrhosoma nymphula is our last species of Damselfly. It’s something like the other damselflies we have seen before but it’s quite large and it’s more or less red!


Kingdom – Animals

Phylum – Arthropods

Class – Insects

Order – Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies)

Family – Coeanagrionidae

Genus – Pyrrhosoma

Scientific Name – Pyrrhosoma nymphula


It’s not hard to find an explanation for this insect’s common name.

Pyrrho-soma means a fiery red body, from Latinized Greek. Lots of insects, especially butterflies and damselflies, seem to be named after attractive ladies or nymphs.


The male Pyrrhosoma nymphula is mostly black with red markings.

Females come in several types with varying amounts of red.

Nymphs have a two-year life. They grow through their first winter and hibernate for the second.


This damselfly is widespread and common over all of the UK and is found over most of Europe.

See also

There is a Small Red Damselfly, Ceriagron tenellum, that is a little bit smaller. It is much rarer and is found only in a few small areas of England.