[124] Elasmucha grisea, Parent Bug


[124] Elasmucha grisea, Parent Bug


Elasmucha grisea, the Parent Bug, is a species of bug, common and widespread over Europe, which shows some aspects of parental care.

Common names are always difficult and other species of Elasmucha are also called Parent Bugs, as are some other bugs in the family Acanthasomatidae.


Kingdom – Animals

Phylum – Arthropods

Class – Insects

Order – Hemiptera

Suborder – Heteroptera

Superfamily – Pentatomoidea

Family – Acanthosomatidae (Shield Bugs)

Genus – Elasmucha

Scientific Name – Elasmucha grisea


I can’t trace Elasmucha. Grisea is, of course, grey.


There are about two hundred species of Shield Bug. They are similar in appearance with wide pointed ‘shoulders’ and a triangular marking on the back. They generally differ in size and colour patterns.

Elasmucha grisea can be brown and reddish, grey or green and brown. There are dark dots on the upper back surface.

You may see them in groups of adults or mixed with final instars of the nymphs.

As with all bugs, the nymph stage may not be similar enough to the adult for easy identification.

Adults may be found all-year round and the adult stage overwinters.

It is relatively rare for insects to care for their young as the female Parent Bug does. She guards them, keeps them together and stays with them as they grow. When they reach their final instar, they may move away and may form groups with other final instars. Females can continue to guard these groups regardless of their parentage.


Many bugs are very specific about their preferred plant food source. Elasmucha grisea can be found on [051] Birch, [017] Alder, [184] Holly or [266] Spruce. They feed on sap but will also eat developing seeds.

Other Notes

You may recognize some pictures on the developing cones of Alder.

See also

There are many other shield bugs. This is Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale, The Hawthorn Shield Bug, which may be found on [103] Hawthorn, [291-2] Oaks or [321] Whitebeam.