[240] Oedemera nobilis, Thick-legged Flower Beetle

[240] Oedemera nobilis, Thick-legged Flower Beetle


Oedemera nobilis, the Thick-legged Flower Beetle, is an impressive, bright green beetle often found on open flowers. Only the male has the swollen legs that give it its name.

It is also known as the Swollen-thighed Flower Beetle.


Kingdom – Animals

Phylum – Arthropods

Class – Insects

Order – Coleoptera (Beetles)

Family – Oedemeridae

Tribe – Oedemerini

Genus – Oedemera

Scientific Name – Oedemera nobilis


The Latin edema from Ancient Greek oidema, means swelling. The word, spelled as oedema or œdema in British English, is used in medicine.


Nearly five thousand species of beetle can be found in Britain. This is one of the very common species that I have seen often.

Oedemera nobilis has a bright green appearance with a metallic sheen. The elytra have a distinct gap and they do not cover the entire wings.

The males have very distinctive swollen hind legs.

The female does not have the swollen legs.

The larvae develop on stems of [082] Thistles. Adults feed on nectar and pollen from many flower species.


Oedemera nobilis is common and widespread over Western Europe and the Northwest coasts of Africa. In Britain its range is limited to England and Wales.

Other Notes

These beetles are very common in late spring and summer. They can be seen on open flowers.

See also

Oedemera luridahas a similarrange to Oedemera nobilis. The males do not have the thick legs. It has a duller cover and the gap between the elytra is less evident.

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