Starting Tomorrow …

Lift Off!

After four months of hard work I am ready to go. Blog posts will appear at 9:00 am every day from tomorrow.

Posts up to the end of April are already written, loaded to WordPress and scheduled for automatic issue. I still have a few more to write for the rest of the year!

Don’t expect them to look the same. Some will go on and on and have dozens of pictures, but sometimes I struggle to find anything exciting to say or have to manage with two or three pictures.

I try to put in cross references where I can but it’s not easy juggling with 365 posts at the same time. Please comment on posts if you like them or have any questions.

You can Follow to be notified of posts (but I can tell you now they will come out ay 9:00 am every day from 1 January to 31 December 2021.) I would really appreciate it if you can Share with your friends if you have any friends who are also interested in nature and wildlife.

Pictures in this post are a random selection from some forthcoming posts.


I may not always get my information correct especially with exact identification of plants to species level. This is not an encyclopaedia of knowledge, it’s a light hearted blog.

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